My name Effiong, Samuel Samuel. I am from, Uruan Local Government Area, Akwa Ibom State. I am currently a student of Covenant University, Ota, Ogun State studying Industrial Maths to Computer Science.

Being a fresher has not been easy for me, I have had troubles in doing some activities. Three weeks now and I have seen that the journey to adulthood is not an easy one, I have slept hungry a couple of times because I went to cafĂ© late, missed roll call once, had four days of struggling just to get my medicals cleared and sometime no light to charge my devices, no water on my floor to have my bath, you’ll have to go to the ground floor and fetch water and start coming up to 300 floor, and no Wi-Fi to submit assignment. But by the special grace of God Almighty I am now adapting and slowly slowly finding myself new ways to do things in such a way that prevents the stress from crashing on me all at once

I’m excited to study at this great institution and its a pleasure to have you as a Lecturer, and for this course Especially. I am looking forward to the rest of the session, I know that God will help me pull through and achieve my dream but the question is, “Am I ready?”


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